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The examen is a form of prayer developed by Saint Ignatius and practiced in the tradition of Ignatian spirituality. This prayer involves setting a time aside in our day to reflect on the presence of God in our lives. The method involves five steps, which may be repeated once or twice each day, at midday and in the evening. There are many variations on the examen. Here is one:

  1. Ask God for light – pray that God might make God’s presence known in our awareness. 
  2. Give thanks – Review the day with gratitude, with the eyes of God. 
  3. Pay attention to your emotions – What is coming up as you review your day. Be curious about how God might be communicating with us through our emotions. 
  4. Forgiveness and Letting go – Bring our attention to ways in which we perceive our shortcomings, practice self compassion and consciously invite God into the process of letting go or letting be. 
  5. Look towards the next day – Ask God for what we might need for the day ahead. Set intentions for how we might want to show up in the upcoming day.

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